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Bank Name- Mega Bank Nepal Ltd.

Address: Rising Mall, Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal
Account Name: Third Eye Foundation
Account Number: 0570010041476
Swift Code: MBNLNPKA
Office Telephone Number: 00977-4414051

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Donation Total: $100.00

Here at the Third Eye Foundation we go for the full experience! Our volunteers know all about it, and so we organize a Cultural Exchange Program by highlighting various rural villages in Nepal. During this exciting Cultural Exchange Program our volunteers get to experience an incredible journey with the local villages. The target of this program is to exchange numerous cultures from different castes in Nepal. By staying on a homestay bases, this means staying with a Nepali host family and experiencing their day to day life, cuisines and cultural parts.

A bit about the religious culture in Nepal

Nepal is vast in culture with a majority of the population believing in Hinduism or practicing Buddhism. For the families believing in the Hindu gods there are a lot of varieties in between castes and worships. Every family prays to a main god designated to that particular family with its own rules and rituals. A   Hindu family in Nepal is always very devoted and it’s even inspiring to witness! Every morning the head of the family prepares for a morning prayer. This usually happens in home where a small temple or in the local tongue a small Mandir is placed. This is a sacred part in the house and will usually be near or even on the roof of the house. It is also common for families to go the village temple to pay respect to more than one God. The ritual of Puja is performed with all the items required, mainly holy water, flowers, rice, some coins and a red and yellow powder. These powders are mixed with a little bit of water and used to perform a Tika. This is called a blessing, you might have seen Hindu’s wearing a red or yellow doth on their foreheads. Well that is called a Tika. Wearing a Tika is blessing from your elders and your Hindu God. The ritual of Puja is also performed in the evening before dinner time.

Cultural habits in Nepal that might seem strange

As every other country Nepal has its own cultural habits that might seem strange to some. In here we would like to inform our volunteers about some. A common habit for all Nepali is to eat by hand, and in the outer villages the use of a spoon, fork or knife is not known. But don’t worry, Nepali are one of the most hygienic people on the planet! The custom is to eat only with your right hand so your left hand remains free. Of course you can request for a spoon or fork to eat with! The saying Dhal (Lentils) Bhat (rice) Power 24-hour is not just a saying, in Nepal it’s common to eat rice 3 times a day! Don’t be alarmed as their diet is very nutritious with fresh vegetables. There are many more which you can discover during your journey with us at the Third Eye Foundation.

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